Friday, January 1, 2016

Something Happened on the Way to Strategic Purpose

So many content creators get off track when it  comes to strategic purpose. It takes thought and work to create useful content, so many fall back on the local football team, or local events... or cats...  (Make sure you understand actual strategic purpose and content creation.) LINK

People love cats. People love football. But they do not visit a... let's pick on an HVAC service company... they do not come to your page for entertainment, or to pick  up tidbits from the social scene... they do not come for local news...

What do they come for? Well you better know, LINK and the closer you stick to your core niches;

  • the better you answer questions, 
  • the clearer perspective you provide, 
  • the better your content watches out for your web visitor's interests

the better your content will be received and responded to...

because they are not visiting your content for entertainment.

Now you don't have to be as stodgy as me; actual personality works, and a joke or a pun or a quip helps; but and this is a big butt, keep the core message on your selected strategic topic.

This  is also a major issue on Facebook posts. 

I guess some companies, some people figure Facebook friends lack options and are desperate for something to click on. Or  maybe they are getting paid per post and so the content is less important than the  simple act of posting. I do not know why, but so many provide so much mundane bs pulled out of thin air as to chap tender skin.

People expect value at the end of a click. Give them limp content and they quickly learn to ignore you. And don't come back. Even though they might be a Facebook friend through it all.

Now there is an exception here. That is celebrating your key people. 

You can get off strategic topic at any time to brag on your team and to help display them as real human beings. This is quite useful strategic purpose, of course. Anytime you help bridge the gap between your business and your customer with human connections is a good strategy. It also helps the business owner come across as human and connected to his community. This is such a big deal. We go into great detail here. LINK

What is missing here?, something feels like it is missing.
Am I being fair?
Feel free to correct me if you feel I am being bad.

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