Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Critical Role of Leadership in Creating a Strategic Marketing Plan

We are going to jump squarely to the role of Leadership in business development but first it needs to be said that there is no real separation like this in the real world. Every aspect of quality leadership bears on business development,

but this website theme relates to business development as a concentration. Therefore,

We must understand the fundamentals of a strategic online marketing presence.

First, you must realize how important having an effective online presence actually is in the 21st century. You must also realize how competitive this space is; although, if you use your head and have a strategic plan, vs. just being busy and playing with the constituent parts, the task is not as daunting.

It is essential to understand how important it is because an effective online plan takes time for planning and thought. It is so easy to fail towards easy but worthless content. We need to easily differentiate what is useful and what is useless.

Strategic thinking like this can run counter to our gut instinct and past experience where we feel we must focus attention on the immediate work that pays the bills. We need to stop and relax and use our wits. We really need to stop and be aware of the intangibles like opportunity cost.

Leadership is responsible to the vision and the plan for creating content. This is such an important issue that we treat the subject separately. 

Strategic Content Finds Space for Leadership to Explain What is Important to them.

Content allows us to underline the owner's and the company's core values and frame the company's attitude of why they are in business, and what is important to them. You can create and share your esprit de corp on your website. These core values can color every aspect of the business and reflects the core beliefs of the company; that is, the business owner.

Content must be understood as having a variety of strategic purposes. We cover various strategic purposes on this website. Content can be funny and entertaining, but we do not just add content for entertainment. We have serious work to do. The purpose of content must match the strategic interests of thoughtful leadership

You realize that your company is working to build a community of people who trust you and who buy from you and refer you to their friends. This cannot be bought but is built through sweat equity. It takes time and attention and careful thought and patience. This is a good space to understand intangible costs. 

You must understand the two key concepts of meeting new prospects online. This is 
1. connecting your strategic content to the search queries of your chosen customers. You are not working to capture a chosen theme by writing 100 posts on a given broad subject, but 100 posts that define and illustrate and introduce and deal with the chosen broad subject. I am being a bit abstract here, but this is a broad strategic overview.

2. understanding the power of attractants in social media to capture the attention of people passing by.

Understanding the buying cycle and the intent of web visitors during each part of the buying cycle. You must also understand that effective content must address actual aspects of the buying cycle and be nuanced so that our content matches the intent of our chosen web visitors.

And there is huge power by collaborating with chosen reliable professionals around subjects in common. I will elaborate on this subject more later, but it is rather strategic marketing 2.0 and content creation 2.0 and a bit early at this point to bring it up.

What is missing here? I know I have been a bit fast and loose here; but there are business owners out there who have a pretty good grasp of aspects of strategic marketing; but are missing other parts of the tool box completely. And it is so easy to be so busy as to not really see the changes coming. And the changes coming are good, if you are on the train; not so good if you are walking on the track.

Feel free to ask a question, if anything here is confusing.
Let just think of this as a draft list that we will return to later.
Feel free to add your thoughts here. 

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