Saturday, February 6, 2016

Understanding the Power of Interactivity on a website Post

We have to understand  the impact of our content on our web visitor. Feedback is critical. We discuss at the length tracking conversions and getting feedback, but we also need to understand the power of interactivity to help us understand how our content is being perceived by our web visitor.

Conversion tracking parallets and reinforces the information we get from our efforts at creating interactivity and surveying web visitors. We can use survey instruments and micro-conversions to help determine how well we are matching the intent and meeting the particular value thresholds for our chosen pre-customers. We can get an idea from a survey form create content we think is useful and then see how the new material affects our conversion testing.

We also get feedback from site visitors through our surveys. Insights from these responses cause us to change the site. We get a sense of the impact of the change by watching the response in our conversion tracking system.
How well are you able to differentiate those who are ready to buy, and those just enjoying shopping?
How do people describe their concern?
How can you tie your service to a psychological trigger that gets them to listen to you as a subject of personal interest?
It always starts with keywords, but what do they mean by their query? this is at the very heart of interactivity on the website and tracking conversions.
It gets around to asking the right questions and then watching those questions part the waters between who you want to deal with and the rest.
You focus your content around the intent of the chosen.
Question 1: “Based on today’s visit, how would you rate your site experience overall?”
Question 2: “Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of your visit?”
Question 3: “Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today?”
If they answer yes to Question 3…
Question 4: “What do you value most about the [company] website?”
If they answer no to Question 3…
Question 4: “Please tell us why you were not able to fully complete the purpose of your visit today.”
[adjust] Oh, and make sure you understand the implications here. You have to have your content creation process in play because you need an active system to take in feedback and then respond to it, and the response is changing the content and then tracking the responses and the results in your system of analytics.

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